
Friday, December 27, 2013

How do you get your Inspiration?

There are lots of reasons to get inspired.  Maybe you're writing a book--or want to start writing a book.  Maybe you're writing a computer program.  Maybe you want to start--or fix--a business.  Maybe you want to work on a craft.  Maybe you need to send out invitations to a birthday or other party.  Maybe you need to send someone a letter, and need to know how to word it.  Or maybe you want to draw or work on some other type of art.  I get inspired to feel better, and to try to become a better person.  I get inspired for writing books, etc.

There are also lots of great ways to get inspired.  I get inspired by reading good books.  I get inspired by listening to good talks, or speeches.  I get inspired by seeing good movies.  I get inspired by seeing good art.  I get inspired by seeing good photos.

Brainstorming is a great way to get inspired.  This can be on a white board, or no a piece of paper.  It can be by yourself or with others.  I suggest with others when possible.  See my other post on brainstorming for more specifics.  Brainstorming can be a great way to kick-start your inspiration process.

Think outside the box.  Try to think about how things are done today, then think of all the different things that could be changed.  What if something was done with different material?  Think of all the things that could be done differently, and how it could be improved.

Use a model.  Sam Walton, for example, created Wal-Mart and Sam's Club.  How did he do it?  He didn't just sit in a bubble and dream them up.  He went to K-Mart, saw what they did, and saw where they could improve.  He started with a model, and improved upon it.  Sam Walton was also very outgoing.  One of the things that he did in school was to try to say "Hi" and great people, by name, before they said hi to him.  This, and other things, helped him to be very popular and successful with people.

You can also be inspired by people, using them as models, or at least inspiration.  There are many bibliographies and autobiographies that you can use to get inspired.  There are war heroes, presidents, religious leaders, technology leaders, and sports heroes.  Find your passion and find the leader in this field.  Read about them.  Find out what they did right, and what they wish they could change.  Then go and do it.

I'd like to hear some of the ways you get inspired...


  1. Good music can be inspiring... "That's what makes you beautiful..." "That will be your crowning glory..." "You are the wind beneath my wings..." "Flight of the bumblebees" Classical music in general... Others?

  2. "Kid President" on YouTube is inspiring, too. Lindsey Sterling--Hip Hop Violinist--is inspiring, too...

  3. Another reason TO get inspired is to come up with some fun activities for family and/or date ideas... Cheap/free fun dates are always in demand :-)
